What Are The Common Types Of Car Accidents In Glenwood Springs?


Glenwood Springs is notorious among drivers in the greater valley for being one of the most dangerous intersections with many car accidents. This small town, located on I-70, has had more than its fair share of those types of accidents in recent years. After all, this region has seen an explosive increase in traffic over the last decade and often offers motorists little to no shoulder space along much-used roads and surface streets.

The common types of car accidents in Glenwood Springs include defective road crashes, negligent driving accidents, and aggressive driving accidents. You better seek the legal guidance of a Glenwood Springs car accident attorney if you were involved in any such accidents.

For now, we will see the most common types of car accidents reported in Glenwood Springs.

1. Negligent driving accidents

Negligent driving accidents are those cases where persons are hit from behind when the reckless driver fails to brake or stop in time, like a case of rear-end. In fact, Glenwood Springs is infamous for many careless driving accidents along I-70 and its surrounding areas, including road intersections and surface streets.

2. Aggressive driving accidents

Aggressive driving accidents are those cases involving intentional and willful actions such as hot-headed driving. This type of accident is usually considered to be the easiest shut down by authorities if they were able to identify the driver responsible.

3. Defective roads crashes

Defective roads crashes are usually caused by a road defect, which can either be the result of poor design or under-maintenance. Such accidents should not occur, and there should be no fatalities if the road were properly constructed and maintained.

4. Car maintenance accidents

This type of accident is usually caused by the negligence of the owner or technician handling the vehicle repairs. This means that if your car has been involved in such an accident, you had better contact a Glenwood Springs car accident attorney to determine who’s liable.

5. Drunk driving accidents

Drunk driving accidents, or DUI accidents as they are commonly called, are usually caused by people who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. According to statistics, more than 1,000 drunk driving accidents have been reported over the past three years along I-70 and its surrounding areas. This is still a problem in Glenwood Springs, with many people driving on the road who are under the influence of alcohol.

6. Parking lot accidents

Parking lot accidents are caused by speeding drivers who forget that there are cars parked underneath them. Those who find themselves involved in such an accident should not hesitate to report it to the police as soon as possible.

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