A Better Understanding of Preimplantation Genetics Testing


It is every couple or rather woman’s dream to have a child. It is even more exciting for them to have a healthy and stable child. Nowadays, due to our current lifestyle, women give birth to children with many complications. This has made doctors test their embryos before they give birth. This is done to ascertain if they are healthy. One of the ways to know this is by the use of preimplantation genetic testing. To better understand this, visit preimplantation genetic testing in Newport Beach, where a team of qualified doctors will handle your issues and give you more details.

What is preimplantation genetic testing?

Research shows that children are being born with major chromosomal abnormalities that end up interfering with their overall health. Preimplantation genetic testing is done on the embryos to check if these chromosomal abnormalities are present.

Preimplantation genetics is done through the in-vitro fertilization treatment procedure. During this, the embryo is moved into the uterus to allow treatment to take place effectively. If chromosomal abnormalities are found, that means that the embryo has down syndrome. This syndrome is dangerous as it is inherited during pregnancy.

Advantages of preimplantation genetic testing

This testing is beneficial to all its users in the following ways:

· It increases the chances of having a healthy pregnancy in individuals of all ages, whether young or old.

· It ensures that there are higher transfer rates of pregnancies.

· It ensures that there are fewer IVF treatment cycles.

· It also helps save on money and time as less money is spent during IVF treatment.

Description of the preimplantation genetic testing

People do not commonly know this procedure. The process begins when an embryo is placed in an incubator to stay until reaching the blastocyst stage. Research shows that embryos reach this stage after fertilization has occurred.

After seven days, a doctor takes part of the placenta known as trophectoderm. It is taken to the lab, where it is tested to check the number of chromosomes. Suppose the trophectoderm does not have the correct number of chromosomes, meaning that an embryo has down syndrome. If it has attained the correct number of chromosomes, it is transferred back to the uterus to complete the pregnancy stages.

Risks involved in preimplantation genetic testing

The procedure is also risky to the embryo as it can cause more harm to it. In case of false results, an abnormal embryo with the disorders can be transferred to the uterus. This might cause a miscarriage. The procedure, in some instances, interferes with women’s pregnancies limiting the chances of a woman having a healthy pregnancy.

The procedure of testing usually involves freezing. Sometimes freezing could be dangerous to the embryo as it ruins or destroys its cells.

Get preimplantation genetic testing today

For women who have suffered from miscarriages and would love to have healthy kids, consider getting preimplantation genetic testing. Book an appointment with Dr. Meng, MD, or visit the Preimplantation Genetic Testing Specialist located in Newport Beach. They will help you have a healthy child and maintain your pregnancy.

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