Kidney Problem? There is Hope for Living a Quality Life


Your kidneys are responsible for filtering your waste products from your body and depositing them in your urine for elimination from your system. A malfunction of these organs means that you can no longer filter waste from your blood and control your body pressure. However, there is a relief. The skilled team of specialists at Houston Kidney Specialists Center led by Jonathan Pankow, M.D., specializes in treating various kidney infections and their associated complications. The experts will help manage your symptoms and help your kidneys function better and protect you from kidney diseases’ complications.

What causes your kidneys to get infected?

Acute Kidney disease. Your doctor will say you have an acute renal failure when your organs instantly stop working. Renal failure is commonly caused by insufficient blood flow to your kidneys, kidney damage, or backed-up urine in your kidneys. You are likely to suffer from acute renal failure when you

  • Have a traumatic injury
  • Are dehydrated or have a tissue break down
  • Go in shock because of sepsis
  • Medication
  • Pregnancy complications

How will you know you have chronic kidney failure?

Most kidney infections’ signs are non-specific. Thus, they can also result from other illnesses. Your symptoms will advance as your kidney damage gradually continues. You will know you have a kidney infection when you start having the following symptoms

  • Changes in urination frequency
  • A high blood pressure that is too difficult to control
  • Muscle cramps
  • Sleep problems
  • A reduced appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue and muscle weakness
  • Swelling feet and ankles
  • Shortness of breath that is experienced when there is fluid build-up in your lungs

How are kidney diseases treated?

There are several effective treatment options for kidney problems. Once your doctor has diagnosed your kidneys and identified the severity of your infection, he will suggest either of the following treatment options

Dietary changes

Your doctor will advise you to reduce protein products in your diet, thus easing your kidneys from a lot of pressure and enhance their functioning.

Use of medication

Your doctor will prescribe medication to help manage your symptoms and complications related to your illness. Some of the prescriptions your doctor may suggest include, blood pressure pills, high cholesterol, and anti-inflammatory medications.


The treatment is a long-term option if you have severe kidney disease. There are two options that your doctor can choose from. He will either suggest hemodialysis, which involves using a machine to filter your blood, or use a catheter and a dialysis solution to absorb your body wastes.

Kidney transplant

This treatment option is a surgical procedure performed by your doctor to replace your failed kidneys with your donor’s. However, your doctor will prescribe you some medications to take home to ensure your body does not reject your new kidneys.

You are less likely to realize your kidneys are failing until you start experiencing more than two symptoms. However, you should immediately contact your doctor before your condition worsens. Kidney failure is not the end of life, thanks to various treatments your doctor will recommend. For more information on kidney diseases and their treatments, contact the professionals today.

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