What is an Arbitrage Mutual Fund and why should Invest in Arbitrage Mutual Funds
Arbitrage funds are a kind of mutual fund that attracts investors who want to take advantage of volatile markets without taking too much danger. It is essential to know how they function and whether they make sense for your portfolio before investing in one.
In many securities, and mostly in stocks, arbitrage offers unique trading opportunities. If you can buy a widget at one location for $100 and sell it on the same day for $101 at another location, you will have an arbitrage trading opportunity. This would be the same in financial markets as purchasing one stock at a $20 return and at the same moment selling it at another $21 exchange, locking it in a $1 profit per share.
Arbitrage funds is buying and selling the same or similar instruments or securities at advantageously distinct rates in two separate markets simultaneously. The term should be read in a very general context because a number of securities or derivatives can be both legs of the arbitrage.
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The definition mainly highlights two of these transactions ‘ structural characteristics.
First, there must be simultaneous trading on distinct instruments. This feature is a direct result of arbitrage possibilities having to be as near as possible to risk-free and generally short-lived as possible.
Second, there should be the same or highly correlated / co-integrated securities. You can even go further and include securities that are not in fact comparable but are thought to act in a very comparable manner. In principle, this resemblance is a hedge, and it eliminates all and all risks beyond real execution by building.
Arbitrage funds was extremely popularized in the 1980s with numerous investment banks and wall street hedge funds employing mathematicians and computer scientists to create models of arbitrage trading to handle their own desks.
There are different trading strategies for Arbitrage;
Risk arbitrage
Statistical arbitrage
Volatility arbitrage
Convertible arbitrage
The most commonly used strategies of stock trading are Arbitrage between professional traders and hedge funds.
There are a number of advantages to Arbitrage funds, including:
Low risk- One of arbitrage funds ‘ main advantages are that they are low risk. Because each security is purchased and sold at the same time, there is virtually none of the long-term investment risks involved.
Another major benefit of arbitration funds is that they are some of the only low-risk securities that thrive when the market is extremely volatile. That’s because volatility leads to investor uncertainty. There is an excessive difference between the cash and futures markets. An extremely stable market implies that there is little change in individual inventory prices. Without any distinguishable, bullish or bearish tendencies to either proceed or reverse, investors have no reason to think that inventory prices will be much distinct from present prices for a month in the future.
Risk and volatility go hand in hand. Without either, you can’t have enormous profits or huge losses. For those careful investors who still want to reap the advantages of a volatile market without carrying too much risk, arbitrage funds are a useful option.
Taxed As Equity Funds – If you have held your shares in an arbitrage fund for more than a year, any profits you receive will be taxed at the rate of capital gains, which is much smaller than the usual rate of income tax.