Common Menstrual Problems


A crucial component of Contemporary Women’s Care is addressing issues with menstruation. Good menstrual health is important for the health of every woman.

The following are some of the common menstrual problems you will find:

Heavy Periods

Women have different levels of menstrual bleeding which is normal. It is when the bleeding becomes excessive to the point of interfering with a normal life that it is considered heavy.

Almost 20% of women experience heavy bleeding during their menstrual cycle to the point where everyday tasks become undoable. Such women should definitely visit an OBGYN to get the issue remedied.

Heavy periods can be caused by a myriad of factors including hormonal imbalances, uterine issues, and fibroids. They can also be caused by infections, miscarriages, and even complications with birth control methods like IUDs.

Irregular Periods

In a healthy woman, the menstrual cycle is regular and can even be predictable. About a third of all women experience irregular periods.

A typical menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days. When your menstrual cycle lasts for less than 21 days or longer than 35, then it is symptomatic of a menstrual problem.

Irregular periods may also include varying times between periods, varying length of periods, and varying levels of blood flow from month to month. Irregular menstrual cycles can be caused by too much physical activity, thyroid problems, stress, and STDs among others.

Painful Periods

A certain amount of pain and cramping during your periods is perfectly natural and varies from woman to woman. It is when these period pains last for more than a few days that they become a problem. About half of all women suffer from painful periods.

Painful periods can start alongside your menstrual cycle and diminish with time. The more serious cases get worse over time and are symptomatic of a more serious condition.

Common causes of period pain include uterine fibroids, pelvic disease, and inflammation. However, age is also a significant factor that contributes to painful periods.

Lack of a Period

Missing your period is not always indicative of pregnancy. When a woman does not experience menstrual bleeding at all it is also referred to as amenorrhea.

Lack of periods is typically seen in young women and is often indicative of a problem with the

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