Reasons Why You May Need a Dental Extraction
Overcrowding, severe damage, and significant infections are some of the reasons a tooth may need to be extracted. Problematic teeth negatively affect oral health and it is essential to seek a safe, comfortable, and effective extraction from your care provider. Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery is a leading surgical practice with a team of board-certified experts including Amir Naimi, DDS is a respected oral surgeon in Alexandria.
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Understanding extractions
A dental extraction is the surgical removal of a tooth. Having your tooth extracted is not usually the first option your oral surgeon will provide because it is recommended that you try other options that will keep as much of your oral structures intact. However, sometimes a problematic tooth is better being extracted as it poses a danger to your health. In this case, your oral practitioner will recommend tooth extraction as your best option.
Reasons why tooth extraction is necessary
Your oral surgeon might recommend a dental extraction when:
Your teeth are overcrowded
Certain procedures, like teeth alignment, require some of your teeth to be extracted to create more room in your mouth. This happens when your teeth are overcrowded in your mouth.
In preparation for a dental implant
Before a problematic tooth is replaced, your dental surgeon first extracts it to make room for a dental implant to be placed.
Wisdom teeth concerns
One of the most common tooth extractions done is wisdom teeth extractions. This is because sometimes your smile is impacted when your mouth does not have enough room for extra molars. In this case, wisdom tooth extraction is necessary.
Impacted canines
Permanent canines that have problems erupting through your gums require extractions as they may affect the integrity of your smile.
Periodontal diseases that cause infection and damage to your teeth and cannot be treated with restorations or endodontic therapy make dental extractions necessary.
Physical damage
Physical trauma to your tooth may cause it to break at the enema. Most people opt to do an extraction to preserve their smile.
How to care for dental extractions
When a tooth is extracted, the socket from where it was removed usually develops a blood clot. This clot is rich in platelets and white blood cells which help to accelerate the healing process. To ensure that the clot develops properly, your oral surgeon will recommend certain practices for you to do at home that will care for the affected area like using ice and eating soft foods. You will also be advised to refrain from making suction pressure in your mouth and touching the area with your fingers or a toothbrush. These detailed instructions help to promote healing and reduce complications such as infections or the development of a dry socket. After an extraction, your oral surgeon will also recommend tooth replacement options like implants and dentures.
To learn more about tooth extractions and to schedule, a visit for a safe, comfortable and effective procedure, call Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery or visit their website to book your consultation online.