Checklist for the Perfect Patio Wedding Reception


Home wedding parties are becoming all the rage, and apart from the obvious saving, the happy couple feel much more at home than at a strange venue. Of course, a lot depends on the guest list, if one is going to accommodate 150 guests, be prepared for at least 75 car parking spaces, not to mention the tables and chairs. If the occasion is going to be a little more intimate, the preparations are still important, although the smaller the guest list, the easier it is to manage. Here are a few points to consider when planning that idyllic reception at home.

  • The Terrace – The venue for the main party, this needs to be of adequate size to incorporate all of the guests. If a person in Western Australia feels that the current terrace just isn’t up to the job, Regal Patios & Carports offer a range of patios that can be professionally constructed in time for the big day.
  • A Dry Area is Essential – Should the worst happen, and the heavens open, there must be a dry area nearby. One must plan for every eventuality, and the Western Australian weather can conjure up a storm at any moment. A carport would be ideal as an emergency dry area, and hopefully, this would be close to the terrace.
  • Protect the Lawn – One might not think a few people wandering onto the lawn would hurt, but the reality is, it will ruin that green carpet which is a highlight of the garden. Dancing and generally milling around soon takes its toll on grassed areas, so consider laying a thick mat for the occasion, failing that, create an area for socialising that is not near the grassed areas. Patios and carports can be used instead of the lawn, and are ideal if it rains. Consider an awning over the terraced area, which will provide that much-needed shade.
  • Plant for Flowering – If one times it right, the garden could be in full bloom on the day of the reception, and this will add so much to the ambience. One should do whatever one can to ensure that the garden looks its best on the magical day.
  • Factor in the Hired Help when calculating floor space. If there are caterers, a videographer, and entertainers, one needs to allow for this. One option is to use one of the larger rooms as a spill off area, giving the guests an alternative place to hang out.
  • Hire an Event Manager – Even though the reception is being held at home, that doesn’t make it any less manageable. There is so much to do, it pays to hire a professional who will ensure that nothing is forgotten, and the event goes smoothly. Car parking and overnight accommodation would both need to be arranged, and by leaving this to the event manager, the happy couple can relax and enjoy the experience.

A home wedding party is more relaxed, and with everyone in familiar surroundings, the party is sure to swing. The savings can also help the newlyweds with the expenses of setting up a new home, something that would never go amiss.

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